Our Mission

The International Twelve Foot Dinghy Class Association was founded in 2006 by a group of 12′ Dinghy lovers of different nationalities, who shared the same passion for their beloved boats, designed by George Cockshott in 1913.

The Association promotes, develops and organizes international activity amongst members and supporters. In general, it aims at the growth of the Dinghy class by encouraging regattas, social relations and technical discussions. Its ultimate objective is to unify the class construction and racing rules within the shortest period of time.

The Association is home to all Dinghy friends who support these motives. Any owner of a 12′ Dinghy is welcome to be a member of the Association by filling in the International Register form and submitting the application to the committee. Membership is free of charge and implies that the new member takes a pro-active interest in the internationalization process of the class and supports initiatives towards this goal.

The internationalization of the class evolves with racing opportunities. In recent years the two regattas promoted by the Association, the George Cockshott Trophy and the World Cup series, were remarkably successful with a significant participation of Dinghy sailors from several nations.

The Association continues to support the George Cockshott Trophy. Based on events individually scheduled and organized by the national class associations with whom it collaborates, the Association provides the scoring system and the final results of the GCT Series. The winner is presented with the silver challenge cup offered to the Association in 2009 by Christopher Cockshott, grandson of George who won this trophy in 1902.

The Association acknowledges that after the 2013 edition, the World Cup lost its way due to insufficient countries competing with plastic boats (which practically only exist in Italy), and for the absence of Dutch sailors who consider both plastic boats and recently constructed Italian wooden boats to be significantly faster than their own boats. The 12′ Dinghy can be found in countries around the world, but the Dutch and Italians have by far the largest fleets. Our Association welcomes the contribution of sailors from any country, but it is a fact that the class internationalization can only be achieved when both Dutch and Italian sailors are involved in the process.

The committee aims at a rapprochement with Dutch sailors. Efforts to harmonize the rules will continue. The International Dinghy Register has been established to further these efforts.

Although the committee and the website continue to represent all shades of Dinghy opinion, we recognize that it is the wooden boats’ sailors who hold the key to class unification.